Cruz: Trump is 'melting down'

Source: Washington Examiner | 2/3/16 | Curt Mills

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    Iowa caucus winner Ted Cruz argued Wednesday that rival Donald Trump is “melting down” in the wake of his second place finish.

    “There is a reason why Donald is melting down and is accusing the people of Iowa, the men and women of Iowa, of being fraudsters,” Cruz said to Sean Hannity on his radio show. “It’s because he can’t and doesn’t discuss the issues and substance.”

    “He can’t for example explain the fact that he embraces socialized medicine,” Cruz argued. “His healthcare plan is identical to Bernie Sanders’.”

    Cruz has made this charge before on healthcare, and Trump has dismissed Cruz as “a total liar.”

    “Donald is throwing a temper tantrum. He promised everyone he would in Iowa. He was certain he was going to win Iowa,” Cruz said.

    Cruz also compared his victory in Iowa to George W. Bush’s in 2000, the last Republican caucus winner in Iowa to become president.

    “George W. Bush won the Iowa caucuses, he had the resources to compete nationally, and he went on to win South Carolina and win the nomination. And I think that’s the analogy that is far more applicable,” Cruz said.

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