Iowa Bureaucrats Force Trans Bathrooms On Churches, Forbid Non-PC Preaching

Source: The Federalist | July 6, 2016 | Joy Pullmann

Iowa churches and church-run daycares must let males and females pee, dress, and shower next to each other, and pastors and Christians could be brought before extrajudicial tribunals if they “directly or indirectly” make “persons of any particular…gender identity” feel “unwelcome,” according to new regulations from Iowa’s Orwellian-named “Civil Rights Commission.”

The commission’s new regulatory guidelines pertaining to a 2007 state “sexual orientation and gender identity,” or SOGI, law also require private businesses, schools, libraries, police departments, and any private organizations that receive government funds to let men and women shower, change clothes, urinate, and defecate inside whichever formerly sex-protected facilities they choose. No sex-change or birth-certificate is necessary for biological males, for example, to gain access to formerly women-only private facilities, the commission says. Declaring oneself a certain sex is all that’s needed.

On behalf of Fort Des Moines Church of Christ, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed suit against the regulatory guidelines in federal court Monday, stating in a press release:

The speech ban could be used to gag churches from making any public comments—including from the pulpit—that could be viewed as unwelcome to persons who do not identify with their biological sex. This is because the commission says the law applies to churches during any activity that the commission deems to not have a ‘bona fide religious purpose.’ Examples the commission gave are ‘a child care facility operated at a church or a church service open to the public,’ which encompasses most events that churches hold.

The guidelines state: “if [a business or organization] offers some services, facilities, or goods to the general public, it will be treated as a public accommodation” — e.g., forced to de-sex its personal hygiene facilities. Also implied is the application of these rules to K-12 schools, public and private universities, homeschool classes, Bible studies, potlucks, bake sales, vacation Bible schools, and so forth.


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