Newt Gingrich Attacks Bush Family For Failure to Kneel Before Zod

Source: RedState | July 18, 2016 | Susan Wright


He was rejected as assistant conductor on the Trump train, but he apparently hopes there may be some position for him as sniveling “Yes Man” with a Trump administration.


Speaking on ABC’s “Good Morning America” this morning, Newt opined about those high profile Republicans who won’t be kneeling before Zod this week, and appearing at the convention in Cleveland.

He went after Mitt Romney, but also the Bush family.

“The reason people nominated Donald Trump is they weren’t happy, and frankly the Bushes are behaving I think childishly,” Gingrich said in an interview from the convention floor with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

“Childishly?” Stephanopoulos replied.

“Childishly. I mean, Jeb lost,” Gingrich said. “You know, Get over it. I mean, the fact is, this Republican Party has been awfully good to the Bushes.”


Only the lobotomized and the Branch Trumpidian faithful believe the Bush clan are avoiding the convention because of Jeb’s loss. A more sound explanation could be the absolute atrocity that is a Trump candidacy.

The Bush family, whether you like them or not, have always been extremely classy. When Trump not only attacked Jeb like a 5th grade schoolyard bully, but openly revived the far left conspiracy theory that 9/11 was an “inside job,” he effectively negated any obligation on their part to condone or endorse his candidacy.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #8150

    CA Surveyor #8191

    I’ll never forgive Noot for funding Loretta Sanchez’ campaign to take Bob Dornan out.

    Noot is an evil spirit.

    Noot protected the UN.

    Noot protected NPR / PBS.

    Noot protected Planned Barrenhood.

    Noot protected SPLC.

    Victoria #8200

    I have a Newt sticker on the back of my car so I know it is my car when in a parking lot. The sticker is coming off – have to find something else to put on back of car or just use my key to make it honk and find it that way.

    Newt among others has sold their soul to Trump for job.

    ConservativeGranny #8235

    I’ve always been cynical about politicians. I’ve also become very cynical about the human race in general.

    I always knew that the number of truly honest people who would never let their morality be compromised was few. But I never dreamed the number was this low. I keep thinking of the Biblical story of Lot.

    There are still a handful of really good men in DC. But they are so horribly outnumbered and the odds so very much against them. Dear Lord protect and help these men and give them strength. I fear God’s wrath for what we have become.

    Victoria #8236

    ConservativeGranny, I have also thought of Lot in regard to this country. We have become Sodom in every way Sodom was destined to be destroyed.

    I am so old I have watched the country grow from our having a 1940 new Ford car (there was no air conditioning in a house or a car, no TV, no phone), to the present day of electronic everything. We were a Christian country back then and we didn’t lock our houses or cars. Now, we are lucky if we don’t get killed by a home grown terrorist.

    It is the lack of Christianity that has killed this country. I think we are in the last days and I pray for Christ to come quickly. I also think if Trump becomes president, we will have WWIII.

    EVERYDAY #8238

    Newt epitomizes the typical Trump worshiper. They are a mean spirited bunch who will attack anyone who doesn’t fall in line behind their god, Donald Trump. If Trump should win, I can see it now — an apparatus or two modeled after the Nazi SS or Gestapo. Trump is Hitler, only even more irrational and his followers resemble the euphoric Germans who fell for Hitler to the point they would do anything for him — even kill his enemies. Maybe Newt is looking for a job as head of Trump’s secret police.

    I keep hearing that I have to vote for Trump to save us from the evil Hillary. But I don’t see how Trump is any better than Hillary and he could be a lot worse. Hitler had his mental issues, but I believe Trump’s are even worse. Anone with such issues shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House.

    I’m going to keep this forum’s running list of high profile Trump supporters handy. When any of the politicians in his camp run for office, I will work to have them defeated. As far as I’m concerned, they are all traitors and lowlifes.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by EVERYDAY.
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