Rock Bottom: Establishment Money and Lies Beat Conservative Warrior in Kansas

Source: Conservative Review | August 2, 2016 | Daniel Horowitz

It’s official: conservatives have no place in the Republican Party.

Not only has every incumbent RINO been reelected in this “year of the outsider.” Not only has almost every open seat gone to the yes-men for K Street and GOP leadership. One of the few brave conservative incumbents in the House has just been defeated by a shill for the big government lobbyists who lied to voters and ran as a conservative. Thus, the only incumbent to be defeated this year was Tim Huelskamp, R-Ky. (A, 91%) in Kansas’s First District. You read that right: the only incumbent to go down in this glorious “populist” revolution is one of the fiercest fighters against this rigged political system.

While everyone is a big hero now and ridicules John Boehner as a failure, Huelskamp was literally the first member to stand up to him. Now the lobbyists know how to pick our lock and will pick off the few remaining members who dare to defy those in the party who want to do nothing more than play interference for Democrats.  

So much for the revolution.


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  • Consistent #8902

    Consistent #8903

    Consistent #8905

    Consistent #8909

    EVERYDAY #8910

    Why do any conservatives stay with the Republican Party? It’s long past time we all form our own party. Let’s see how long the Republican Party lasts without us.

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