Was Mike Pence’s VP debate performance really that spectacular?

Source: Conservative Review | October 6, 2016 | Steve Deace

I know we are tired and hungry.

Nay, that isn’t quite strong enough, is it my fellow conservatives? We are exhausted and near starvation, suffering through what amounts to leadership depravation.


And so it is that when offered mere scraps of competence and sanity, as well as a contest with an outcome vaguely resembling victory, we gobble it up like one who has gone without food for far too long — without knowing where his next meal is coming from to boot. That’s what’s currently happening in the aftermath of Tuesday’s vice presidential debate.

What is without question is that Mike Pence won. Overall, I’d give Pence a grade of B at the very best. Nothing higher is possible because of the unrelenting task of having to carry Donald Trump’s carcass across the ever-so-distant, and perhaps impossible-to-reach finish line. Such a yoke is simply too large a burden for any one man to bear.


Yet for those who say they would give anything right now to have Pence at the top of the GOP ticket instead of the liberal con man from New York, let me just say fo shizzle. Because the one-eyed man is a hipster king in the land of the blind.


We’ve lowered our expectations enough, which is one of the reasons why we’re in this mess. This is a time to raise the standard, not erase it altogether.

Pence is still the same guy who failed spectacularly at defending religious freedom in Indiana just last year. We weren’t talking about him at the top of the GOP ticket then, were we? No, we were casting him into the abyss as a moral coward, which is where moral cowards belong. Oh, and remember Pence’s wonderfully flaccid, kind-of, sort-of endorsement of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, A, 97%) in his home state’s decisive primary?

For we are in the position we are currently in, with a con man as the candidate, because of punch-pulling equivocators like Pence proved himself to be in Indiana when we needed him most.

Are we so dazed and confused by Election 2016 that we are prepared to accept lukewarm public displays of affection before giving up the ghost once more?

Idol worship ain’t just a river in Egypt, my friends.


This is a time for heroes, not placeholders. We were once, as we cheered and ratified the two greatest governing documents ever devised by man — the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. As we fought to preserve the union and end the scourge of slavery. As we stormed the beaches at Normandy. As we ended the evil empire.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #10442

    ConservativeGranny #10444

    Pence was just the better liar. I didn’t watch the debate but read some transcripts and news stories. It seems that Pence denied things that Trump was clearly on record saying and in fact I myself heard Trump say. He twisted himself into a pretzel. To say Pence is a moral coward is putting it mildly IMO.

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