ConservativeGranny #1822

I think that Palin and Sessions have been feeding Donald Conservative talking points for quite awhile now. Donald eats them up and spits them out but has no idea what they actually mean. All he knows is that a Conservative told him that is what Conservatives want to hear. He has no intention of actually keeping any of those promises.

Trumpsters heads are going to spin like tops as he changes directions like a weather vane in an tornado.

It would be funny except the rest of us are going to have to suffer with the idiots. The similarities to Obama are jaw dropping yet the Trumpbots can’t see it. It’s a mental disorder.

I also agree that many of these endorsements are from has-been politicians that want to remain relevant or are hoping for some crumbs thrown at them from the Trump Presidential table.

It’s eye opening isn’t it just how little integrity these people have.