Scarlett_Says #293

This is the kind of crap tolerate at FR now days.

Carson claiming Cruz foul play – saying Cruz team told voters Carson was dropping out
2/1/2016, 9:34:22 PM · 24 of 118
gg188 to mkjessup
I don’t think FR should tolerate or accommodate serial lying and dirty tricks from any candidate. It besmirches the good people here.

Now you really wonder about the Cruzers here who say the craziest things—who’s paying them? Goldman Sachs?

They tell lies here about the candidates eerily similar tactically to the latest Ted Cruz dirty trick lie. The Cruzers know the lies will fool some people, just as Ted knew that if just some Carson supporters could be fooled for just a short amount of time, it would be good for Cruz. The Glenn Beck post, the mailer—Cruz has shown, as the Cruzers on FR have shown, that there is no limit to how low they will go.

Time to do to the Cruzers what was done to the Romneyites four years ago: ban. Cruzers started their own forum anyway, from which to encourage people to stop donating to FR and making fun of wounded warriors and amputees. So there’s a sewer they can go to and be at home in.

Ban Cruzers. Make FR Great Again.
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FReeper formerly known as Brothers4thID