Victoria #313

Scarlett, I knew Cruz had a perfect ground game because I know how that works and it was the best I have ever seen. What I didn’t know is if Trump’s method of stadium rallies would work to beat an excellent ground game. It did not. Thank God, it did not. Permit me to say old angry orange face spouting nasty words about everyone who doesn’t treat him fairly (and he decides what is fairly), could not beat person to person contact in the voting counties.

Cruz has had workers in every state/almost every county in the US and our island possessions since summer and kept adding to them as the months progressed. I have said over and over, every election happens in a county and if you have workers in a county who know what they are doing, the candidate is going to win IF the candidate is a good one to start with.

Constitutionalist Ted Cruz must be President to save this country and now I have hope this can happen – because he is the best candidate and has his fine organization in every state/almost every county/every US possession.