Victoria #956

To Silver Pines and All:
Silver Pines, rock and rap concert? Thank God, I don’t have to listen to it. Christian, or not, rock and rap makes no sense and destroys your hearing. :o)

I’m glad Cruz was there to offer prayer at the beginning of the concert, we need 14,000 Christians voting for him.

How can anyone with any sense can vote for Trump?

Off subject: I think you know I fell on Dec. 17, with the left side of my face slamming down on an upturned stone and I spent three hours in a trauma hospital having 3 cat scans – one of face/jaw, one of head/brain, one of upper spine, and x-ray of chest, x-ray of knee, and x-ray of hand. I had a left bloody knee and left bloody one finger.

Luckily, bones around my left eye were not broken and my skull and brain were okay (no comment please on whether I have any brain in there). My eye was a mess, totally filed with blood and the cornea was scratched. If the stone had been 1/4 inch closer to my eye, the point of the stone would have gone into that eye socket and I would have lost that eye. The entire left side of my face was purple for over a week. Bob said, while we were in hospital, I looked like a devil, with the eye filled with blood and a blue eye in the middle, and the left side of my face purple. He told me that in the hospital, gee, that was a caring thing to say. :o)

Now, the reason for this post, is, I just got the bill from the hospital including the emergency room doctor bill. My Medicare insurance and my UnitedHealthCare supplement paid for all of it.

HOWEVER, the EMERGENCY ROOM DOCTOR, just the doctor, not the scans and x-rays, and remember I was only there three hours and most of that time I was in x-ray and cat scan departments, charged $30,000 ! No, that is not an error in my typing, he charged $30,000 ! Bob could not believe he charged that. Due to the hospital taking Medicare, Medicare insurance approved $778.27 of that bill. They paid 80% of that and UnitedHealthCare paid the remaining 20%.

That is what is wrong with our healthcare. The bills are enormous in order to get “some” money. It is all a game. Would the doctor have charged that if the person had NO insurance? Would the person owe $30,000? It would be cheaper for the patient not to go to emergency room, to stay home and maybe die as burial is not that much money – yet. Of course the patient would be dead but he/she wouldn’t owe $30,000.