It was always going to take a small miracle for a real conservative/constitutionalist to win the White House in this age of idiocracy. But that is nothing compared to the number of miracles we are still going to need when and if one actually gets there.
Good thing we are a people of Easter. At least I hope we still are.
Good thing we believe in miracles.
So as we enter into the Lord’s passion in these late days of March 2016, we must remind ourselves of the importance to pray without ceasing to the only God who can manifest them in our lives.
Even on our best day, His guidance is the only true north. And we have so few ‘best days’ anymore.
We must trust God in His ways and not make St. Peter’s mistakes.
America is in shambles on every front. We are economically stagnant and indebted almost beyond calculation. The vicious hate of ISIS is met just as often with concerns about Islamophobia as it is with calls for justice. Men are putting on dresses and entering women’s bathrooms because they and their apologists think they are the 21st century’s Rosa Parks. A death-cult that receives hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers each year is seen on camera cavalierly bargaining away the dismembered remains of the human beings they murdered. And the very freedom to call out to God at all, religious freedom, is being pushed as far back into a corner as our cowardice and moral ambiguity will allow.
This is all, quite frankly, beyond the power of any man – or even our formidable constitution – to cure. These are mortal wounds. We need an exorcism. We need to be raised from the dead.
But our Savior has been there. He has done that. He can show us the way. Not, though, if our faith is a fetid pool of confusion like it has been in recent months – and no doubt for far longer — in the electoral musings of the so-called “Bible Belt.”
If we have been praying at all, we have largely been praying to the god we want and not the God we need. That just won’t do. We may as well be praying to a Buick or a tomato.
To get ourselves right, we must set ourselves aside. We must trust God in His ways and not make St. Peter’s mistakes. The rooster is ever crowing in the face of our denials and rationalizations. Get behind me, Satan!
Do we pray for our enemies? Or is our idolatry such that God is fashioned as nothing more than the image of a lottery ticket, Oprah, or a leprechaun in our mind’s eye?
So sayeth the Lord:
Yes, you silly heretic, we must pray for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Mitch McConnell, too. They most certainly have been enemies of the good, for by your fruits you will know them. But so have we. And that whole death on a cross thing was not grading on a curve. We are no less in need of its healing and salvific power than they are.
We have been far more likely to be a vanity of vanities instead of the salt of the earth, haven’t we? Our sports teams and our wardrobes concern us to no end, but a rudimentary test of our faith so often ends in deceit or depravity.
We are basically good people, right? No. Thou shall not judge, right? Wrong again. A loving God really wouldn’t do fill-in-the-blank, right?
So sayeth the Lord:
If that be our God, let not our hearts be troubled regardless of what times lay ahead. For we were created in His image for a time such as this, and by His wounds we are healed.
Now go, pray for new life in a valley of dry bones, and sin no more. Happy Easter.
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