Bathroom Policy is KILLING Target’s Business

Source: The Resurgent | April 10, 2017 | Sam Thomas

For months we’ve heard every talking head in the universe discuss the so called “crippling affect” of North Carolina’s bathroom bill. While the mainstream media really wants you to believe traditional Christian values  are bad for business, the facts show others. It turns out North Carolina is doing just fine while Target’s profits continue to tank in the wake of their transgender bathroom policy.

In April of last year Target published a blog post titled “Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity” in response to HB2.


The policy has been a multi-million dollar disaster. From Yahoo News,

The boycott cost the company millions in lost sales and added expenses. Shopper traffic and same-store sales started sliding for the first time in years after the blog post, and the company was forced to spend $20 million installing single-occupancy bathrooms in all its stores to give critics of the policy more privacy.
Sales fell nearly 6% in the three quarters after the post compared with the same period last year, and same-store sales have dropped every quarter since the post.

You might think a train wreck of this magnitude would warrant a policy change, but Target has shown no sign of backing down. So while “journalists” and talking heads continue to wonder when Christians will give up on their values in the face of mythical economic woes, Target is diving headfirst off a cliff.


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