Conservative site RedState takes down op-ed promoting Seth Rich conspiracy theory

Source: The Hill | June 17, 2019 | Chris Mills Rodrigo

Conservative website RedState took down an op-ed on Monday that promoted the conspiracy theory that Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer Seth Rich was killed in 2016 because he was the source of stolen DNC emails published by WikiLeaks.

“Each of our contributors has the right to express their opinion, but in the case of Seth Rich we believe the opinion written is in error and encourages conspiratorial speculation without basis in fact,” the website tweeted.


In the story, staff author Elizabeth Vaughn discussed the conspiracy theory that Rich was behind the DNC hacks and WikiLeaks dump, and that special counsel Mueller obfuscated that fact in his final report to ensure that Russia remained the antagonist of the story, according to Talking Points Memo.

There is no evidence to support this theory.


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