Cruz: Name one thing you like about Donald Trump – WATCH

Source: The Resurgent | May 2, 2016 | Philip Swicegood
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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #5628

    Consistent #5629
    ConservativeGranny #5647

    “Duh, I like Drump. Da Wall. Ya, da wall. Isis. He kill Isis. He kill all dem. Goldmann Sachs. Ya, Goldmann Sachs. Hold mah beer der hey okay? I cain’t hold dis sign dey made for me and mah beer too.”

    ConstitutionalConservative #5651

    Hillary/Trump two sides of the same coin “name one thing Hillary Clinton has accomplished as Secretary of State” no one can but it makes no difference to her supporters either.

    There is a heavy prevailing darkness over America, we are in desperate need of light. Cruz is the light and that is the choice, to remain in ever increasing darkness or to enter into ever increasing light and the restoration of our once Constitutional Republic.

    The darkness is so dominate it has in the minds of far too many transformed itself into the appearance of light, because their deeds are evil men love darkness more than light.


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