Dear GOP Convention Delegates: Declare Your Independence

Source: Conservative Review | June 4, 2016 | Steve Deace

There is a reason the Constitutional Convention was not viewed as an elitist coup back in 1787. The smart, privileged white guys who ordained the Miracle in Philadelphia knew that its blessings would be stillborn unless they handed the final say on the matter to someone other than themselves.

That would be “We, the people.”

State conventions were held to grant life to America’s new government. Nothing was forced upon them. They looked at their options and freely signed off on what is now a more than 225-year-old document promising to establish “a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

And then they got busy insisting that very same sacred compact, our Constitution, be amended before the ink was even dry in order to further secure our individual liberties through the Bill of Rights.

This is our heritage. This is who we truly are.

Delegates to the Republican Nation Convention next month in Cleveland should follow in the footsteps of that tradition according to the new book “Unbound: The Conscience of a Republican Delegate.” Co-authored by Curly Haugland, a 17-year veteran member of the RNC, who also currently sits on the powerful rules committee for the convention, the book uses the RNC’s own actual rules to make its case all GOP delegates are not bound to vote for Donald Trump (or anyone else as the nominee) who violates their conscience.

Haugland’s book says these RNC rules are in place to “preserve and protect” each delegate’s right to “a full and unfettered right to vote as he wished on matters ranging from approval of rules, credential challenges, whether to uphold or overturn rulings of the chair, and perhaps most importantly, on the nomination of the Republican Party’s candidate for president and vice president of the United States.”

If Haugland is right, and he is on the rules committee after all, then not a single GOP delegate is bound to vote for Trump as the Republican nominee. Especially given that Trump’s politics and character make him a far better standard bearer for the Democrats.


This is now your role in preserving our constitutional republic if you are a GOP delegate.

We are war for the soul of our nation, and the principles behind the rejection of Trump have been “embedded within the rules of the party established at the first national nominating convention held in Philadelphia in 1856” according to Haugland.

Never fear, delegates. You have the green light. Now all you need is the same sense of duty and courage that drove our Founding Fathers to dedicate their lives, fortunes and sacred honors to a cause that would keep generations of Americans free from the various and relentless yokes of tyranny.

Oh, and that doesn’t mean “let’s compromise and move passive-aggressively on the floor to make Ted Cruz the running mate because, unity.” If you admire Cruz’s courage of conviction, and see him as a future standard bearer for our ideals, you will dare not paint him into such a corner.

For the last thing our movement needs is to taint Cruz with the stench of becoming a water carrier, but if he declines he’ll be painted as letting down people on the convention floor. Cruz has taken more flack on our behalf than pretty much any Republican in recent memory, so he deserves a much better fate than that no-win scenario. Instead, focus your ire where it belongs.

Hammer away at the tides of our secular destruction, and the liberal infiltration of your party. Don’t let the media that hates you pick your nominee (again). Insist this July that we will be led by a leader who respects the laws of nature and nature’s God, instead of a crude populist whose tantrums seduce us from both the left and the right.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #6708

    Consistent #6709

    ConstitutionalConservative #6714

    I am somewhat confused as to exactly what he is saying here, I thought the delegates won were bound on the first vote to the delegate winning candidate. Is Haugland now saying they are not bound or is he saying the rules can be changed at the start of the convention or have I read it all wrong.
    I really need to be straightened out here. I confess there are times when I read such articles I just don’t get it, on the surface this one seems contradictory and I did read the entire article at the link even attempting to read between the lines for what I’m missing.

    Consistent #6717

    Unbound: The Conscience of a Republican Delegate by Curly Haugland & Sean Parnell


    “Incredibly, Republicans at the highest level can’t quite dismiss Haugland’s arguments. Even last week, three days after Reince Priebus declared Trump the presumptive nominee, the party chairman couldn’t quite bring himself to dismiss the possibility that the convention could nominate someone other than Trump.”

    — Politico, May 9, 2016

    “All that matters are rules, and the RNC’s rules, according to Haugland — who has pored over them with painstaking attention to detail — offer a surprisingly large amount of leeway when it comes to how the 2,472 Republican delegates must act in Cleveland come July.” –

    — Rolling Stone, May 11, 2016

    “The rise of Donald Trump highlights the importance of the rules governing presidential nominations. Haugland and Parnell detail the Republican party’s long history of respecting the authority of national delegates to vote their consciences, regardless of efforts by government or state parties to control their behavior.”

    — Eric O’Keefe, chairman, Citizens for Self-Governance

    Consistent #6719

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