Donald Trump Cracks the Seal on Talk of Treason

Source: Daily Beast | February 6, 2018 | Rick Wilson

Trump might not be able to see where this very slippery slope leads, but the political arsonists around him do. Prepare to reap the whirlwind.


One thing we’ve learned in the last two years is that no legal, moral or cultural strictures bind Trump and that he is immune to the better angels of human nature. The moral event horizon around him consumes the good in anyone who becomes one of his vassals. There is no better version of Trump, ever. He can only degrade and destroy everything he touches, but today was remarkable, even for him.

Monday’s simpering, prissy, self-indulgent performance in Ohio was just another raree-show with our Kentucky Fried Nero fiddling while the stock market burned. Then came the moment where he broke another seal, and cracked another seam in the foundation of our Republic.

That was when Trump, in his typical sneering, sniggling, purse-lipped way said of the Democrats watching his State of the Union speech: “They were like death. And un-American. Un-American. Somebody said ‘treasonous.’ I mean, yeah, I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean they certainly didn’t seem to love our country very much.”


Our Founders viewed treason as the most severe crime against the Republic. Treason was an act without shades of gray, without gradiations, without rationalization. It is the one crime we punish by stripping those found guilty of it of their citizenship, or even their lives.

Trump Monday decided he would be the arbiter of what constitutes treason in America. He’s mainstreamed the t-word.

Well, then: If you’re looking for someone who is betraying this nation, look for a person who would deliberately and systematically wreck the institutions that guarantee the separation of powers and the accountability of the executive and legislative branches. Look for a person who would suborn the rule of law to protect himself, his family, and his cronies from justice.

If you’re looking for someone in the act of betraying the glorious vision of our Founders and our Constitution, look no further than the vulgar, prancing, reality-show clown who holds the Presidency.

Look no further than the man who swore to uphold the Constitution and obey the laws of this land, yet ignores them, and attacks those who would carry them out.

We have had presidents in living memory who failed, who strayed from the righteous path, who were venal or paranoid or who fell victim to their lusts and weaknesses. But none came so close to treason as this President.


Just look at his post-election behavior toward Russia, because if we’re going to play tag-the-traitor, let’s get to it. Trump’s abject, boot-licking obedience to Russia and Putin speaks for itself.

If it is treason you seek, look no further than a man who gladly allows Russia’s continued attacks on our democracy, our Republic and our institutions.  Putin’s implacable hostility, aggression and desire to divide and disrupt this nation are not in question by anyone except Trump and his most slavish sycophants. Putin’s desire to weaken our standing, diminish our power and to harm our interests in the world is stated Russian policy, not speculations in the fevered minds of Never Trumpers.

When Congress sent Trump veto-proof legislation demanding he impose sanctions on Russia, Comrade Don waited until the last second to impose, well, nothing.  When Putin arrested campaign opponent Alexei Navalny on phony charges, Vlad’s errand boy in the Oval Office remained silent.

For some reason, this President seems determined to demonstrate that he will do anything, at any time to please the Russian authoritarian. He will tear down the United States government around him to hide from accountability. He will wreck alliances, compromise intelligence sources, and endanger our troops to please Putin. There’s a word for that.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #21441

    EVERYDAY #21442

    Trump and his supporters love to call anyone who doesn’t worship the Orange King a “traitor.” Can’t tell you how many times I was called that during the primaries and the general. These words go along with accusations of “closet Hillary supporter” and every other epithet they love to throw around at those they perceive to be the enemy. It’s just all part of the hysterics inherent in a typical reality tv show. That’s what this presidency is anyway — a reality tv presidency.

    BTW, I hear Trump’s mouthpiece, Sarah Sanders, is dismissing the use of the word “treason” as Trump speaking “tongue-in-cheek.” Um…yeah…right…

    ConservativeGranny #21451

    The new job description for a Press Secretary to the POTUS is to lie for the President. Holding that job should forever brand you as a habitual liar with no conscience.

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