GOP Delegates Must Use the Power They’ve Been Given

Source: Conservative Review | June 16, 2016 | Steve Deace


He is now losing to the most damaged Democrat in modern presidential history by double digits in the most recent polling. He has lost more than 20 points among non-college-educated whites – his strongest demographic. Seven out of 10 Americans disapprove of him, and more than 50 percent think he has been unhelpful concerning Orlando – an issue that many thought could work to his advantage.

He is going to lose in November, and he is going to lose big.


So have the delegates to next month’s Republican National Convention memorized their part yet in this 2016 passion play?….

Because it really comes down to this:

From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more (Luke 12:48).

Or as Iowa delegate to the national convention Cecil Stinemetz simply says, “People can vote their conscience, so I’m trying to let other people know that this is not over.”

This is not a Hail Mary pass or some flight of fancy. These are the actual rules of the game for how to play offense in the fourth quarter of a do-or-die contest against a malevolent foe.

There have been roughly 240 cases spread out across 136 years where delegates at past conventions have rejected primary and caucus results, state party rules, or state law, and chosen instead to follow the dictates of their conscience. And since anointing Trump would amount to political suicide for the GOP, it would seem exercising one’s conscience is in more dire need than ever—unless you’ve already come to grips with saying “Madame President” the next four years.

That goes for each and every delegate. No exceptions. Rule 38 of the Republican Party states, “No delegate or alternate delegate shall be bound by any attempt of any state or Congressional district to impose the unit rule. A “unit rule” prohibited by this section means a rule or law under which a delegation at the national convention casts its entire vote as a unit as determined by a majority vote of the delegation.”

Simply put: The state chairman of any given delegation is entitled to only one vote – their own – and is not allowed to bind delegates to vote as any sort of collective by way of executive fiat.

If they try to do so, they will be doing nothing short of stealing votes. The delegates of each state must be prepared to call their leadership’s bluff in such a case by way of Rule 37, which states that “if exception is taken by any delegate from that state to the correctness of such announcement by the chairman of that delegation, the chairman of the convention shall direct the roll of members of such delegation to be called, and then shall report back the result to the convention at the conclusion of balloting by the other states.”

So there you have it. The rules are as simple as they are profound. Not only have the delegates never been called to simply be box-checkers, but their very definition is imbued with a sense of purpose that lies at the heart of American Exceptionalism. As with the Founding Fathers, sacred honor is at stake.

Yes, the defense of that honor will likely come with some cost. There will be name-calling. There will be threats. There will be recriminations. But, standing righteously on top of it all, there will be truth.

And it is the truth that sets us free.


“The idea that Trump would call out the integrity of those who answered the call of service and deployed to a war zone is repellant,” Reiff said on Twitter. “For this reason, and many more, he’s proven that he’s someone with neither the temperament, nor the character, to be Commander in Chief.”

Truer words were never spoken. In Cleveland, let us finally put an end to this mad quest by a silly man and his cultish enablers. May 2016 mark a time in history when the better angels of our nature throttle the forces of flaccidness and fear in exchange for a great rebirth of liberty.

History is made by leaders, not lemmings.

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