Grassroots Conservatives Meet in DC to Discuss Stopping Trump

Source: Conservative Review | 17 March, 2016 | Phil Shiver

Grassroots Conservative leaders met in D.C. Thursday afternoon in opposition to current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, CNN reports. 

Attendees of the meeting reached “absolute consensus” on the initiative to stop Trump from becoming the Republican nominee. The group was led by conservative leader Bob Fischer and included conservative lawmakers, lawyers, and activists from across the country.

According to CNN:

The consensus was around preventing Trump from reaching 1,237 delegates, and then stopping him at the convention. The source added that the conservatives are optimistic for this option, adding they believe “it is possible.”

The idea of a third party being formed to combat Trump remained a bone of contention for the group, the source said, adding, there was “real division” over the idea. But there was also discussion that if Trump is the GOP nominee, then “the GOP ceases to be a party for traditional conservatives, who must go elsewhere.” 

Attendees also strategized bolstering Trump’s current challengers, not completely giving up hope that Sen. Ted Cruz could make a push.

Erick Erickson, who was also in attendance at the meeting via phone, released the group’s agreed upon official statement on his website The Resurgent. read below:

We are a group of grassroots conservative activists from all over the country and from various backgrounds, including supporters of many of the other campaigns. We are committed to ensuring a real conservative candidate is elected. We believe that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump, a Hillary Clinton donor, is that person.

We believe that the issue of Donald Trump is greater than an issue of party. It is an issue of morals and character that all Americans, not just those of us in the conservative movement, must confront.

We call for a unity ticket that unites the Republican Party.  If that unity ticket is unable to get 1,237 delegates prior to the convention, we recognize that it took Abraham Lincoln three ballots at the Republican convention in 1860 to become the party’s nominee and if it is good enough for Lincoln, that process should be good enough for all the candidates without threats of riots.

We encourage all former Republican candidates not currently supporting Trump to unite against him and encourage all candidates to hold their delegates on the first ballot.

Lastly, we intend to keep our options open as to other avenues to oppose Donald Trump.  Our multiple decades of work in the conservative movement for free markets, limited government, national defense, religious liberty, life, and marriage are about ideas, not necessarily parties.

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  • Discussion
  • slhancock1948 #2785

    I pray that the true conservatives that backed Rubio and were against Trump will let their delegates go to Cruz…or encourage them to. I know that Huckabee won’t, but I think Perry, Carly, Rubio, Jindal, and some others would likely encourage theirs to stick with Cruz.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

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