Group seeks ouster of Eagle Forum’s Phyllis Schlafly

Source: St. Louis Business Journal | April 11, 2016 | Angela Mueller

Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly is facing an effort to push her out of the Eagle Forum, the political interest organization that she founded.

According to a letter from Eagle Forum President Ed Martin sent to supporters over the weekend, members of the Constitutional Convention movement are “pursuing a scheme” to ouster Schlafly, 91, who is chairman and CEO of Eagle Forum.

Martin said that six Eagle Forum directors plan to hold a “rogue meeting” on Monday.


In the letter, Martin calls on supporters to “help stop this hostile takeover.”


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  • Consistent #4271

    Consistent #4272

    Consistent #4273

    rodamala #4274

    You’re fired.

    EVERYDAY #4277

    Many pro-life conservatives love (d) Phyllis Schlafly, but for some reason I never did. Wish I knew why. Made no sense that she would support Trump who can’t seem to decide what his position on abortion is (I’m guessing it’s his original pro-abortion position).

    Anyway, she has been “at it” for a long time. It’s way past time she retire and let someone younger take up the fight.

    slhancock1948 #4278

    I’ve always been a fan until she came out against the Article V convention, totally confusing it with a Constitutional Convention. In the latter, the Constitution could be voted to be thrown out, but the former is limited to making amendments to the Constitution to undo the damage done.

    Then when she came out for Trump and has not redeemed herself by retracting it, I have begun to feel that she is heavily influenced these days. I know one person she is influenced by is Sarah Palin. Why, I don’t know, because if anybody has let people down, it is her.

    It is sad to see some of the stalwarts fail. Yes, I said fail, instead of fall. Both really, but they are blind to the reality of their choice this time around. They are under a delusion.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    Consistent #4280

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