Here Are the Highlights From Trump’s Headline-Grabbing Sunday Show Interviews:..

Source: The Blaze | May 8, 2016 | Jason Howerton

Here Are the Highlights From Trump’s Headline-Grabbing Sunday Show Interviews: ‘It’s Not Called the Conservative Party’

WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — Donald Trump says he’s all for bringing together the Republican Party, but the many GOP officials he’s branded losers and lightweights will have to fall in line because the voters have spoken.


For now, Trump is brushing off rejections by influential GOP officials and saying the party doesn’t have to be unified “in the traditional sense.”

“Look, I’m going to get millions and millions of votes more than the Republicans would have gotten” without me, he said.

At the same time, Trump complained that he was “blindsided” by House Speaker Paul Ryan’s refusal to endorse him. Trump said Ryan, R-Wis., had called him three weeks ago, after winning the New York primary on April 19, to congratulate him and that the two had a friendly exchange.

A Ryan spokesman said that phone call never happened. Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said “Ryan disputed the time of the call, not the call itself.” She added, “I believe this took place in late March.”


He used the term “lightweight” to describe Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., once in the presidential race, and suggested former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, another former rival, was still licking his wounds from the vicious campaign.

The party’s 2012 nominee Mitt Romney, Trump said, “blew the election” that year and never even thanked Trump for his work on Romney’s behalf.

In an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Trump also spoke of sticking to his “principles” when the issue of winning over conservative critics.

“So I have to stay true to my principles also. And I’m a conservative, but don’t forget, this is called the Republican Party. It’s not called the Conservative Party,” he said.


In the same interview Trump elaborated in his idea to pay down the national debt by “buying at a discount” from creditors:




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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #5898

    Victoria #5911

    Insult everyone, then play like you don’t know why they are not supporting you and insult them again. My personal opinion is, he has insulted people, threatened them with lawsuits, verbally blackmailed them (if you don’t do “x”, I will do “x” to you), all his life to get what he wants. He will do that as president, since that is his lifelong way of operating.

    In my opinion, Trump causes irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, acid indigestion, acid re-flux, and/or nausea. Check yourself, after seeing/hearing him, do you have any of these symptoms? I approach nausea (stomach knots up) when I see/hear him. After Cruz dropped out, and Trump began his crowing of being the candidate, I cut off the TV sound and didn’t look at him when he was on.

    ConstitutionalConservative #5916

    Victoria Wrote:

    In my opinion, Trump causes irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, acid indigestion, acid re-flux, and/or nausea. Check yourself, after seeing/hearing him, do you have any of these symptoms

    I know what you mean I can bear a 3 minute video or audio clip on occasion maybe and read about all his nonsense when reporting his foolishness but that is the extent of it. Eight years of obama all over the media started off hard to watch a quickly advanced to impossible another 4 years of Hillary or Trump could significant impact what little health I have left and yeah the heart burn and acid reflux has already set in… God Help Me! God Help Us All!

    EVERYDAY #5922

    Stopped watching Obama after his first SOTU address. Looks like I won’t be watching any presidential addresses for the next 4 years either.

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