Here’s the 773-Word Transcript of Trump Defending Size of His Hands in WaPo….

Source: The Blaze | March 21, 2016 | Oliver Darcy

Here’s the 773-Word Transcript of Trump Defending Size of His Hands in WaPo Editorial Board Meeting

Republican front-runner Donald Trump met with The Washington Post editorial board Monday — and as it turns out, he offered a lengthy defense about the size of his hands.

The Post released the full transcript of its meeting with the brash billionaire and many were surprised to see the extended 773-word discussion about his hands.


Here’s the transcript released by the Post of Trump defending the size of his hands:


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #3015

    rodamala #3018

    slhancock1948 #3029

    What’s so important that he has to keep dwelling on this? Like Megan Kelly, too! Good grief! He not only is a narcissist, but he is really OCD, isn’t he? I know OCD, I have a daughter who is and Trump is so much like her. That why he cannot leave comments alone, but has to dwell on them constantly. And, and compare him to the other candidates, who rarely obsessed over Trump’s remarks about them, unless asked specifically by reporters or talk show hosts about them.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    ConservativeGranny #3033

    This guy is a nut plain and simple. I can’t even follow what he is saying half of the time. He’s all over the place. Incomplete thoughts etc. Like he has ADD. And very juvenile and immature thinking. I don’t think he knows what he is talking about half the time and denies things he clearly has said. Is he in the early stages of dementia?

    It’s just unbelievable to me that he isn’t a laughing stock who was laughed off the debate stage after the first debate.

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