LifeWay Removes Jen Hatmaker Books From Its Stores

Source: The Resurgent | October 27, 2016 | Erick Erickson

Every week another Christian celebrity seems to decide being liked is more important than honoring God. Jen Hatmaker is the latest. While she has always taken the strong and commendable position that Christians need to show compassion to those struggling with same sex attraction, she has now gone over the line.

In a Religious News Service interview, Jen Hatmaker has not only come out in support of gay marriage, but also declared that such relationships could be holy. Because she is now aligning herself with the world and against Christian orthodoxy, LifeWay has taken the step of removing all her books from their stores.


Christianity 101 going as far back as the time of Christ himself, views God as unchanging. He chose to reveal himself more and more over time, but he never changed. Because God, in the garden, established marriage as between one man and one woman and Christ recognized it in the New Testament, to believe that a same sex marriage can be holy is to believe that God is changeable. That belief flies in the face of 2000 years of Christian orthodoxy and is untenable.

If God can change on marriage, outside of revelation he revealed in the Bible, he can change on anything. And if God can change on anything, he is not God, but an idol we ourselves have created.

In choosing to decide that God is changeable and, because she feels it so, what is unholy can become holy, Hatmaker has chosen to remove herself from Christian orthodoxy on fundamental issues. By aligning with the world against the church, unless she repents LifeWay has no choice.


If Jen Hatmaker is as committed a Christian as she claims, perhaps she will note that she is suddenly the darling of pop-religion in culture and remember that the things of the world hate the things of God. Then perhaps she’ll ask herself why now the things of the world suddenly love her.


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