‘Sabotage!’ Cruz gets more than a cold shoulder at NY gala as mic cuts out …

Source: BizPac Review | April 15, 2016 | Carmine Sabia

‘Sabotage!’ Cruz gets more than a cold shoulder at NY gala as mic cuts out during speech

Ted Cruz was greeted colder than a New York winter at the New York Republican gala Thursday night.

And some on social media charged that the Texas senator was deliberately sabotaged.

The sound of glasses clanking and chatter among attendees could audibly be heard above Cruz who defiantly tried to talk.

Twitter users were not happy about it.

<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/STa4R8MZ4gw” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>



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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #4560

    And here is Rush Limbaugh’s comment on the issue:

    “It’s clearly a brilliantly conceived and flawlessly executed bit. I mean, this was aimed at Cruz, and it hit bull’s-eye, whoever did it.”

    This is the same old comment he’s been using to praise Trump, no matter how bad his behavior is.

    Dirty Trick! Cruz Audio Sabotaged During Fox News Broadcast of New York Speech

    Victoria #4562

    I was watching that. No problem with Trump and Kasich, then couldn’t hear Cruz. I was watching on Fox and finally Hannity cut Cruz off, said something was wrong with the mike. I didn’t give a flip what Trump and Kasich said, was just waiting until Cruz, then couldn’t hear him. Terrible.

    mostlyhomebound #4565

    I’m sure if it’s nefarious, stump and it’s nazi brown shirts are behind it. And will lie about it.

    rgintn #4609

    this shows who the real outsider is. trump is a big time NY insider. He knows all the corrupt politicians there and did nothing to clean up the system.

    the question, if trump went along with the corrupt NY political system then will he also go along with the corrupt DC system?????

    mostlyhomebound #4611

    stump is the very corruption of the system. I’m fairly certain that thi s act if sabotage emanated from the scum of its campaign.

    slhancock1948 #4628

    I heard that they also had to wait an hour for Trump to appear. They should’ve started and told him, sorry, but you missed your turn!

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

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