Shortly after Barack Obama swept into the White House while giving Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid a coattail Marxist Congress, Newsweek Magazine ran the cover “We’re all Socialists now,” based on Jon Meacham’s lead article with the same headline. Without a doubt, the election of that president and that Congress moved reality closer to Meacham’s point. It was astonishing that liberal apologist Meacham admitted as much.
We can all agree that Senator Sanders is of course a socialist. He’s said it, proudly, loudly, and often. A good percentage of our precious safe-spaced Millennials think socialism is great, and they think Bernie is great. And apparently many of them are trying to decide between Bernie and…Hillary. No, wait, Bernie and Trump!
And why not? Trump has flirted with socialist talking points and ideas for decades, including quite often recently.
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