Supreme Court Won't Hear Case on Cruz's Citizenship

Source: Roll Call | May 31, 2016 | Todd Ruger

Lawsuit questioned whether Texas senator is a ‘natural born citizen’

The Supreme Court declined Tuesday to hear a lawsuit arguing that Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is ineligible to be president because his Canadian birth means he is not a “natural born citizen.”  

The justices upheld a lower court ruling from March that found Walter Wagner, a retired attorney in Utah, did not have standing to file a lawsuit over the issue. Wagner was one of several individuals nationwide who sued to challenge Cruz’s eligibility to run for president.  


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  • Consistent #6610

    Victoria #6615

    Once again, there are two kinds of citizens – natural born citizen and naturalized citizen. Note the word, “natural” is in both types of citizenship for a reason. Natural is an American citizen at birth and the other is “naturalized” meaning something legal has to happen before that person is a citizen.

    A child who has an American mother OR father, is an American natural born citizen . Nothing has to legally happen to make that child an American citizen. It does not matter where the child is born if one parent is an American citizen.

    I use my grandson to illustrate this. He was born in England to an American father (my son) and an English mother. The day he was born, he was an American citizen and an English citizen. Every baby born in a hospital has to be registered and papers are filled out at that hospital. Since the hospital was English, the child was registered there as an English citizen. My son went to the American Embassy that day and the child was registered as an American citizen and an American Passport was issued to him that day. He has full citizenship in both countries.

    When he comes to the states, he goes through the American citizen line to enter the country. His mother has to get in the foreign citizen line to enter the country.

    The child is now registered at an American university, Occidental University in California, were he got a scholastic scholarship and will begin school there in the fall.

    When he is old enough to run for president, he could drop his English citizenship and run for president, just as Cruz did when he dropped his Canadian citizenship and ran for president. Cruz’s case is exactly as my grandson’s case.

    ConstitutionalConservative #6626

    Victoria Wrote:

    Once again, there are two kinds of citizens – natural born citizen and naturalized citizen. Note the word, “natural” is in both types of citizenship for a reason. Natural is an American citizen at birth and the other is “naturalized” meaning something legal has to happen before that person is a citizen.

    Makes perfect sense it is as simple as that a child can understand it. Those who defy common sense on this issue have an anti-constitutional agenda hence all the foolishness. I am disappointed the SCOTUS rejected the case, when Cruz comes back in 2020 the issue will still be there to haunt him despite multiple lower courts deeming him eligible. The SC left the issue open retaining the naysayers political ammunition by claiming the only reason for not hearing the case was standing, but then I think it part of a nefarious plan knowing they had no standing in their appeal.

    Of course by 2020 any candidate that cannot prove themselves crooked enough to assume rule over the kingdom would be ineligible anyway. I mean that does seem to be the immediate impending standard does it not. Oh well perhaps such a conclusion is just my ever growing raging cynicism showing again.

    Victoria #6628

    If Trump wins, he become King Trump and I can see him wanting to keep the Kingship in the family so his oldest son runs for president King.

    Trump has a mental disorder and is a freak person who cannot be trusted from one day to the next. If Bill Kristol’s independent candidate is David French, I will vote for him to keep mad man Trump out of the White House.

    If that causes neither Trump nor Hillary to get enough electoral votes and it goes to the House of Representatives, maybe THEY will elect a decent Republican but ANY Republican would be better than crazy Trump.

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