Take that, Donald: Cruz to Keynote Major CA Convention Speech!

Source: Red State | April 1, 2016 | gopcongress

It looks like the GOP in California has decided to signal their preference: Ted Cruz. He is going to be their keynote speaker for the California Republican 2016 Convention Saturday Lunch Banquet on April 30, which is actually a major deal…..


This is indeed exciting news. There are essentially 53 separate races, as each congressional district (CD) is a winner-take-all for 3 delegates apiece. And for the chairman of the CAGOP to come out with a strong, unambiguous encomium for Ted Cruz, and more significantly, not for Donald Trump (or RINO John Kasich) is fantastic news.

The California primary is closed,* restricted to Republicans only, and delegates will be alloted as follows:

  • – 3 delegates per CD, 53 CD’s, total 159 delegates. Delegates selected by the presidential candidate with the winning plurality in each district.
  • – 10 statewide delegates, selected by the presidential candidate with the most delegates won in the CD’s
  • – 3 delegates assigned to CAGOP chair, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman. While Chairman Brulte appears to be for Cruz, he will most probably go with the majority.

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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #3692

    Hopefully, California will end the nightmare of Trump.

    rodamala #3695

    Hopefully, California will end the nightmare of Trump.

    I wanna see the Trumpies and Black Lies Matter throw down in the streets of Cleveland as 2 victim groups lamenting how unfair life is.

    I may even pregame it and make the trip to scatter pepper spray cans like Easter eggs in a 1/4 mile circle around the convention site.

    slhancock1948 #3696

    I read about 1 month ago that the CA republican legislature were nearly all pro-Cruz. So, I’m not surprised. I’m actually quite pleased. If they hold out for Cruz, that would be really great! I know Trump is leading in NY and Kasich is probably stronger there than Cruz, but if Trump didn’t do well, and I know there is a group on Wall St. that have come out in support of Cruz, NY might be in play for Cruz. We’ll have to see. A huge in in WI might be a real asset to his campaign.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    Victoria #3705

    California will have their primary before their state convention, so I hope the party advertises heavily that Cruz will be their main speaker so voters know it before they go vote. Trump would have a major heart attack if he didn’t get all of California’s delegates. I heard him earlier say he will get California because he has so many friends there – they love him of course. Gag

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