Ted Cruz wins almost all of Maine's delegates at convention

Source: CNN | April 23, 2016 | David Wright

Bangor, Maine (CNN)Texas Sen. Ted Cruz collected the overwhelming majority of Maine’s Republican delegates during the state’s GOP convention Saturday.

Cruz collected 19 of the 20 spots up for grabs, with the 20th spot going to Maine Gov. Paul LePage, who’s supporting GOP front-runner Donald Trump.


Ahead of the vote, LePage accused the Cruz campaign of going back on a promise to back a “unity slate” of the state’s delegates, a move he portrayed as “stabbing us in the back.”


“It’s no surprise Gov. LePage stands with Donald Trump, he endorsed Donald Trump,” said Alice Stewart, Communications Director for Ted Cruz for President. “And Ted Cruz stands with the grassroots, who made our caucus victory in Maine possible. Cruz will always defend the interests of the people who elected him over the will of establishment politicians.”
Josh Dunlap, a Cruz delegate from first congressional district, disputed the idea that the Cruz camp had agreed to a unity slate idea.
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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #5076

    Victoria #5080

    Good, get all the delegates available in every state or have Trump as president.

    EVERYDAY #5082

    The Trumpsters are again crying in their beer. “TED CRUZ STOLE THE DELEGATES!”

    If Trump can’t understand the rules and procedures of the delegate process, how is he going to understand the more complicated workings of the presidency.?

    IMHO, he is doing this deliberately. He’s a spoiled brat who thinks he doesn’t have to do things the right way. All he has to do is bully his way into getting what he wants.

    We’ve already had eight years of a president who whines and stomps his feet to get what he wants. I thought people were tired of that childish behavior and wanted a grownup in the White House. I guess not.

    slhancock1948 #5098

    Not only that, Everyday, but Trump is playing for the GOPe to finally settle things out by handing him the nomination because he won the popular vote, just to keep him quiet. Rules be damned. I really think this is his ploy!

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

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