The Growing False Narrative in the Media is the Only Thing that can Stop TedCruz

Source: Soshable | April 24, 2016 | JD Rucker

This has been an exceptional Presidential nomination cycle. On both sides, it’s really unlike anything we’ve seen in the modern era. The likely GOP candidate to reach the magic number of 1,237 is Ted Cruz. You probably haven’t heard that very much in the news. This is being done by design.

The false narrative that has been building up since before the first vote was cast in Iowa is that Cruz doesn’t have a proper path to the nomination. Nearly all of the talking heads in mainstream media were declaring that Marco Rubio was on track to be the nominee after finishing THIRD in Iowa. Then, we fast forward to each subsequent caucus and primary and the talking points have been divided into two choices depending on how Cruz did. If he won, he was expected to win. If he lost, he’s toast. After Donald Trump’s big victory in New York, the drums have been beating as loudly as possible from the media that he’s the presumptive nominee.

That’s the narrative they want to build. The Republican Establishment, the Democrats, and the mainstream media all want us to believe that Cruz cannot win. It’s a false narrative being built for different reasons. For the Republicans, the fear of a Cruz Presidency is practically debilitating to them. Many are coming to grips with the idea that they’d rather rebuild in four years from a Trump loss in the general election than face being exposed for the big government crony capitalist moderates that they are if Cruz wins the White House. The Democrats would much rather have Hillary Clinton face Trump because he’s the only candidate who is more corrupt and less likable than she is. The media backs the Democrats. All anti-conservative weapons are being pointed squarely at Cruz.

Here’s the reality. If Cruz can win Indiana and stay close or even beat Trump in California, it’s virtually impossible for Trump to get 1,237 delegates on the first ballot. If it goes to a second ballot, Cruz’s chances of getting to 1,237 are much higher than Trump’s. New York didn’t change that. Trump’s upcoming victories in the Northeast states on Tuesday won’t change that, either. Indiana will decide whether the race continues. After that, California will decide the outcome.


As Trump’s policies keep shifting to the left, Republicans are starting to realize that he’s a Democrat clothed in the singular conservative principle of building a wall (which Cruz has wanted to do since 2012). We need to persevere through the lies being told by the media and remain resolute in our convictions to make the last conservative in the race the next GOP nominee.

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  • Consistent #5125

    silver pines #5130

    That picture makes me want to projectile vomit.

    Guys, we need to pray Cruz wins Indiana. I’m not giving up.

    Victoria #5137

    We cannot have Trump president of this country. I wonder if you remember or heard what he said when he first started running. He said he would build a large ballroom onto the White House so large parties/gatherings could be held there. I see gold plated crystal chandeliers, gold painted Queen Anne furniture, and costumes to rent of fancy ball gowns and long tailed coats for men. Yes, he said he would build a ballroom.

    He is a showman with no morals. Do you think he cares about one person in this country? No, he doesn’t but the populace believe he is so rich, they will share in his money. They have projected themselves to be what he is.

    I guarantee you he won’t worry about having transgender men going into the ladies restroom where his wife is. He won’t worry about the common people because he has never been one. He will be King Trump.

    He only wants to win the presidency and when he does, he would want to chuck it since he did it and go home to Trump Tower. When he realizes he has to be president EVERY DAY, he will not want to do it. He would rather go to his place in Florida and play golf, then fly to Trump Tower as he has lived his life for many years.

    This is unbelievable.

    CA Surveyor #5150

    We are surrounded by a ten ring circus of falsehood.

    Does it matter?

    If we “win,” do we win anything? Will we overcome anything?

    Perhaps Yah will permit Ted Cruz to lead this country, but will it lead ultimately to anything positive?

    I hope by now all here are aware that ultimately, in a short time the “governments of men” will all fall in blood and ashes. That is what the word of Yehova plainly says.

    We are much closer to the end of man’s madness than most realize. The beginning of Daniel’s famed “70th week” will be upon us at the end of the summer of 2017, if one uses the “re-establishment of Israel in one day” as a point of reference to pick up the prophetic time table of the Bible.

    The end of that “week” is the end of man’s madness and malfeasance in charge of events on planet Earth.

    Its time to re-embrace Yehova’s Torah, if you wish to be on the winning side of all of this. Yeshua stated plainly in Matthew Chapter 7, beginning at verse 21, that on;y those that keep his Father’s Torah will be “known” when he gathers his bride at the last trump, at the end of Satan’s tribulation of the saints.

    John repeats the same message in his first epistle, as does Paul in Romans Chapter 2.

    Let’s pray for each other that we soon meet him on the sea of Glass mingled with Fire before the throne of Yehova, for the marriage supper of the Lamb.

    silver pines #5258

    We cannot have Trump president of this country. I wonder if you remember or heard what he said when he first started running. He said he would build a large ballroom onto the White House so large parties/gatherings could be held there. I see gold plated crystal chandeliers, gold painted Queen Anne furniture, and costumes to rent of fancy ball gowns and long tailed coats for men. Yes, he said he would build a ballroom.

    He is a showman with no morals. Do you think he cares about one person in this country? No, he doesn’t but the populace believe he is so rich, they will share in his money. They have projected themselves to be what he is.

    I guarantee you he won’t worry about having transgender men going into the ladies restroom where his wife is. He won’t worry about the common people because he has never been one. He will be King Trump.

    He only wants to win the presidency and when he does, he would want to chuck it since he did it and go home to Trump Tower. When he realizes he has to be president EVERY DAY, he will not want to do it. He would rather go to his place in Florida and play golf, then fly to Trump Tower as he has lived his life for many years.

    This is unbelievable.

    Exactly to all of this—and I particularly wish I could underline in bold black your last paragraph in which you state Trump only cares about winning the presidency, not actually having it. it’s all a game to him, a competition. The man is an inch deep, meaning extremely shallow. He has no idea how to govern nor is he interested in doing so.

    Once again, the truth about Trump makes me sit here in amazement that so many people have bought into this con man’s deception that he is some kind of patriot.

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