Trump used to hate Goldman Sachs. What happened?

Source: Conservative Review | December 9, 2016 | Chris Pandolfo, Jordan Schachtel


Cohn marks the fourth Goldman Sachs appointment into the administration. He joins 17-year Goldman Sachs veteran Steve Mnuchin, who was nominated to be Secretary of the Treasury, and former Goldman Sachs investment banker and managing partner Steven K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, in the cabinet. Also, Anthony Scaramucci, who spent seven years at Goldman Sachs, is advising the president-elect on the transition team.

This coziness with Goldman Sachs stands in stark contrast to statements President-elect Trump made on the campaign trail. Trump pointedly attacked rival Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97%) repeatedly on the issue of Cruz’s connections to the financial giant. Cruz’s wife Heidi is a former Goldman Sachs employee.  


Despite all that rhetoric blasting Goldman Sachs, Trump has not hesitated to move Goldman Sachs alumni into positions of power in his administration. Several people have picked up on the hypocrisy.



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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #12002

    EVERYDAY #12003

    Trump lies. He has always lied. And his worshipers continue to believe him.

    Why would he hate GS? Trump supposedly is a successful businessman. He has to have dealings with major financial institutions such as GS in order to conduct his business.

    It is galling that he and his minions pounded Ted Cruz and his wife into the ground over their ties to GS, but now that Trump has been elected, all of a sudden, GS is ok. The Kool Aid must be especially good for Trump’s worshipers if they can’t see the problem with this inconsistency. They have been lied to, but they are in denial.

    CA Surveyor #12029

    Pretty good list of Trump’s carefully worded lies he used against Cruz.

    Every penny of the money “loaned” to Cruz was backed dollar for dollar by his own funds on deposit.

    Such “loans” are not even required to be declared.

    Time for Truth, Donald.

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