Why I Built a Drudge Alternative

Source: Soshable | 4.12.2016 | JD Rucker

When I needed to see what the most important conservative news of the day was, I would go to Drudge Report. Matt Drudge and his team have done a tremendous job of bringing the right stories to the forefront in a media world that is rife with left-wing publications and journalists. All of that changed with this election. Donald Trump enamored Drudge somehow and, whether for ideological or nefarious reasons, the the site is now a haven for everything pro-Trump, anti-Cruz.

It’s not the site it was just a few months ago.

Enough is enough. While I would have liked to use this, my primary blog, as the place where I could build a Drudge alternative, I chose Social News Watch. The URL and site name better matches the idea. It has more writers so it’s not hampered by my one or two posts per day. It’s cleaner; this site is pretty much all about conservatism and Christianity while the other site has more variety.

It was a good fit.

While I had hoped it could be a purely pro-Cruz, anti-Trump site, friends and readers universally advised otherwise. Like Drudge, it will have other important news that has nothing to do with the election. It’s a righteous perspective; some people just aren’t as deeply embedded (enamored?) into the election as I am, so we’ll promote other stories as well.

True conservatism is the only ideology that can bring this country back from the brink. At every level, from individual and local up to state and federal, it’s important for patriots to stay informed about attacks on our values that are being waged across the country. That’s why I built it.

Click on Ronald Reagan to check out the new site.

Drudge Alternative


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  • Discussion
  • slhancock1948 #4325

    I was reading on Right Scoop and realized he had quite a following. I’ve found him since giving up FR. Politibrew, too! I’ve been posting from JD’s blog since we started here, but now he’ll have more of a news site. Since he is a Cruz supporter, it should be a more accurate source.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by slhancock1948.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    mostlyhomebound #4328

    Thanks for the new website. I’ve replaced Sludge in my bookmarks.

    ConstitutionalConservative #4333


    Excellent site I just posted a thread here on CC Dashboard of a story I linked to from Social News Watch (SNW) LINK

    TITLE: Rubio to Levin: “The Only one who fits… is Ted Cruz”

    I’ve had a habit of checking Drudge several times a day now there is new place to go that is not just as good it is better… dumped drudge from my bookmarks.

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