

  • Ponder whether your article/comment will add value to our community.
  • Hold to our guiding principles: To injure no one, but to bless all, and Do to others as you would have them do to you.
  • Stay on the topic. We reserve the right to move or delete your off-topic comments.
  • Restrain from inappropriate languages (vulgar, rude, sexually-oriented, etc.)
  • Restrain from attacking article writers or posters ad hominem.
  • Restrain from posting copyrighted material. You are responsible for it.
  • Restrain from promoting your business. If you want to offer your products or services to the community, please contact us about advertising on the site. We are considering having a members marketplace at some point in the future.

How to start a topic (thread) with reference source:

  • Check for duplication by doing a search for the title of the article you are about to post.
  • Go to the forum on which you want to post (The list of the forums is on the side bar.) If it is a news item, pick a sub-forum on ‘News Forum’ page.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see “Create new Topic” headline.
  • If the title is too long, truncate it without changing the text in the middle so others can find it when checking for duplication.
  • Excerpt the text of the article. Your excerpt should consist of at most 300 words (or no more than half the article).
  • Fill in the information, content and the initial comment. The initial comment cannot be blank. Topic tags are keywords.
  • Click “Submit” when you are done. You will have 5 minutes to edit your topic.

How to start a topic (thread) without reference source:

  • Go to the forum on which you want to post (The list of the forums is on the side bar.)
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see “Create new Topic” headline.
  • Fill in the information, content and the initial comment. The initial comment cannot be blank. Topic tags are keywords.
  • Click “Submit” when you are done. You will have 5 minutes to edit your topic.

How to post a comment:

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the topic (thread). You will see “Reply to: [Topic Title]” headline.
  • Fill in your comment.
  • Use the “Quote” button to quote a previous reply.
  • URLs from YouTube and Twitter will automatically display as Video and Tweet, accordingly.
  • Click “Submit” when you are done. You will have 5 minutes to edit your topic.

How to create ping list:

  • Go to ‘Ping List’ forum (The list of the forums is on the side bar.)
  • Fill in the name of the ping list in the ‘Title’ field, the date and the purpose of the ping list in the excerpt field. Topic tags are keywords.
  • Pick the ‘Ping List’ from ‘Forum’ drop-down list.
  • Click “Submit” when you are done. You will have 5 minutes to edit your topic.
  • Members will subscribe to your topic (thread) if they are interested in being notified (pinged).
  • To ping your list, add a reply (comment) to your topic (thread).