Donald Trump Releases The Most Bizarre, Narcissistic Ad EVER

Source: RedState | July 24, 2016 | Jay Caruso


One can only imagine the argument Trump had with Paul Manafort about this ad and who was the poor bastard sent to watch Trump’s speech again to get the numbers. It is impossible to explain so it is better that you just watch and marvel at what you will see:


Are you kidding me? An ad. Bragging about APPLAUSE.

There is no way Manafort would green light an ad like this. This is something that Trump himself signed off on, I am sure of it. This is just another example of his condition. He doesn’t care how the speech was received in terms of CONTENT. All he cares is that there was X minutes of applause that consumed X% of time.



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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #8556

    EVERYDAY #8562

    This reminds me of the time some Trumpie told me that I should vote for Trump because he has millions of Facebook likes. This gives you some idea of the third grade mentality of Trump and his minions. We should vote for Trump because so many people applauded that long-winded tirade. Good Grief!

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