About The Conservative Circle

The Conservative Circle is an online community for friendship and discussion of current issues in the news and our daily lives. We welcome people of any persuasion who are interested in civil, non-contentious discussion. Please see our Membership Rules.

This forum was started by necessity. A considerable number of people were alienated in other forums because of their consistent Conservative values. This community was created to continue the friendships without being afraid of expressing opinions. Hopefully, you will make a lot of new friends in our friendly and fun environment.

Let’s pray for our new community to be under God’s law, not men’s, full of goodness, justice, mercy and love for all.

Our guiding principles are:

  • To injure no one, but to bless all.
  • Do to others as you would have them do to you.
  • To advance Conservatism.


The opinions expressed on The Conservative Circle are those of the individual members and/or external sources and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or opinions of the owners or management of The Conservative Circle.


Many thanks to Michael Phillips for the idea to call our new community The Conservative Circle!