Trump call with Turkish president led to decision to withdraw troops from Syria

Source: Washington Examiner | December 21, 2018 | Katelyn Caralle

President Trump agreed to withdraw troops from Syria in a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week.

Two officials briefed on the matter told the Associated Press that Trump rejected the advice of his top aides in agreeing to the withdrawal during the Dec. 14 phone call.


Before the call with Erdogan, Trump was advised to clearly oppose Turkish incursion into northern Syria, the aides said, adding that “the talking points were very firm.”

With Erdogan still on the call, Trump asked national security adviser John Bolton, who was on the line, why U.S. troops were still in Syria if the Turkish president was claiming the Turks could deal with the remaining Islamic State militants.

Erdogan told Trump that the group had been 99 percent defeated.

According to the aides, Trump quickly pledged to withdraw, which shocked both Bolton and Erdogan, who warned Trump against a hasty withdrawal.

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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #26970

    EVERYDAY #26985

    So Trump ignores his military advisers and relies on a Muslim extremist leader in Turkey instead?

    Just like Obama. Trump embraces American enemies.

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