3 congressmen on Air Force One with Trump took commercial flight after president's diagnosis

Source: The Hill | October 3, 2020 | Kaelan Deese

Three Minnesota congressmen who flew on Air Force One with Trump boarded a commercial flight after President Trump tested positive for COVID-19.

Minnesota Republican Reps. Pete Stauber, Tom Emmer, and Jim Hagedorn were on the same Delta Airlines flight Friday, two days after they flew with the president aboard Air Force One, The Star Tribune reported.

Trump announced early Friday that he and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19.

Delta imposes strict measures disallowing passengers who were recently exposed to COVID-19 to board flights. Passengers with knowledge they have been exposed to coronavirus in the past 14 days are prohibited from travel as well. 

The airline defines exposure as face-to-face contact with someone infected with the virus or sustained contact for over 15 minutes fewer than six feet apart.

Chairman of the state Democratic Party, Ken Martin, said the representatives put other passengers’ health at risk.

Hagedorn called the Star Tribune’s reporting on the incident “fake news,” saying the “whole episode was a politically-motivated setup, with TV cameras waiting for us upon arrival at [Minneapolis−Saint Paul International Airport].”


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #43358

    ConservativeGranny #43361

    How can it be “fake news” if they were caught doing it? So they got caught and the media’s fault? This has to be some kind of mental illness with these people because I can’t think of any other explanation.

    EVERYDAY #43367

    I don’t care if these three get sick and die, but thanks to their selfishness, they have put at risk God knows how many of their fellow passengers, the crew and anyone in the airports they came into contact with. It is those people these *bleeps* have infected and the ones they in turn may have infected who are in my prayers tonight.

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