An Open Letter to Sean Hannity and his Ilk

Source: Politistick | August 6, 2016 | Cecil Stinemetz

For those Sean Hannity types out there, don’t you dare start putting the blame for a Trump loss anywhere else besides yourselves for being a Donald Trump slappy.

And here is why.

We tried to warn you about Donald Trump, early on.

We warned you he was a fraud – you said you didn’t care.


We warned you the media was propping him up in the primaries and that once he got the nomination the media would turn on him and open the floodgates with stories of all his lies, his crooked business dealings, lawsuits, his lack of knowledge, his lack of answering questions, naked pictures and on and on – you said no, that will never happen.

We warned you that he gave money to and was friends with the Clintons and that he and Bill talked on the phone right before he ran for president – you said, oh they were discussing their golf swings.

We warned you that when he slandered almost every one of his competitors that it was a character flaw that was not good in a candidate. We said it will come back to bite you – you just looked the other way.

We warned you that he was just using the Bible as a crutch and that he doesn’t even know how to pronounce the books of the Bible – you said oh he is a baby Christian and just doesn’t know how to speak the language yet.

We warned you that if Donald Trump was the nominee he would go on to lose badly to Hillary Clinton – you said the polls are all wrong.

We warned you that Donald Trump just says whatever is on the top of his head and that would be a disaster as president of the United States – you said oh it is so refreshing to hear him say unconventional things.

We warned you to let the delegates stop this train wreck at the convention, allow us to put someone in his place that actually wanted to win and at the very least allow us to vote on the power grabbing rules Trump jammed through – you replied by using thugs to threaten, intimidate and harass delegates, shutting off the mics, not allowing votes, and not following the convention rules.



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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #9088

    ConstitutionalConservative #9092

    Trumps inevitable loss will be laid directly at the feet of Ted Cruz, as he is the last one on earth that should be blamed for another mans foolishness. I guarantee that is what will happen. LionTed will be prepared for it as per usual with a smile displaying wisdom, strength and confidence, he has been battling lies and false accusations from the beginning and the unrighteous always demand those that stand in the light outside their darkened camp be pursued and persecuted for they who love darkness hate light as their deeds are evil.

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