Arizona's GOP governor to skip Trump rally

Source: The Hill | August 21, 2017 | Julia Manchester

Arizona’s Republican Gov. Doug Ducey has no plans to attend President Trump’s rally in downtown Phoenix on Tuesday afternoon.

A spokesman for Ducey told the Arizona Republic he was looking forward to greeting Trump upon his arrival in the state but will not be following him to the campaign-style event.

“Gov. Ducey’s focus has been working with law enforcement toward a safe event in downtown Phoenix for all those involved and in the area. That will continue to be his priority during the event and afterwards,” spokesman Daniel Scarpinato said in a statement to the publication.

Ducey’s decision to sit out the rally comes amid the president’s strained relationship with the state’s two Republican senators.

Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) condemned Trump in his new book, “Conscience of a Conservative,” which encourages other Republicans to stand up to the president for the good of the country.

The president ripped Flake last week on Twitter, calling him “toxic” and promoting his primary opponent, Kelli Ward.


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