At the DNC: Palestinian flag okay, Mississippi flag not okay

Source: Conservative Review | July 25, 2016 | Chris Pandolfo

Democrats in Philadelphia participated in a “sit-in” under the Mississippi state flag, demanding that the flag—which depicts the Confederate standard—be removed. Yet, inside the convention delegates shamelessly waved the Palestinian flag without thinking twice. Oh, the stench of hypocrisy.

See here:

As for the uproar against the Mississippi state flag, the large crowd outside the convention chanted “take it down!” over the protestations of Philadelphia police, who were there to prevent vandalism. One activist confronted an officer, saying that the Mississippi state flag represented “racism” and that the officer, who was black, was not doing his job because he was defending a symbol of “oppression.


Eventually, the protesters got their way.



But they have no problem whatsoever with the communist flag.


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