Atty Gen Sessions suggested he could resign amid rising tension with Pres Trump

Source: ABC News | June 6, 2017 | Jonathan Karl

Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested he could resign amid rising tension with President Trump

As the White House braces for former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony Thursday, sources tell ABC News the relationship between President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions has become so tense that Sessions at one point recently even suggested he could resign.

The friction between the two men stems from the attorney general’s abrupt decision in March to recuse himself from anything related to the Russia investigation — a decision the president only learned about minutes before Sessions announced it publicly. Multiple sources say the recusal is one of the top disappointments of his presidency so far and one the president has remained fixated on.

Trump’s anger over the recusal has not diminished with time. Two sources close to the president say he has lashed out repeatedly at the attorney general in private meetings, blaming the recusal for the expansion of the Russia investigation, now overseen by Special Counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller.

But sources say the frustration runs both ways, prompting the resignation offer from Sessions.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #16398

    EVERYDAY #16399

    Sessions should save his health and sanity and get out now.

    Consistent #16400

    Consistent #16401

    ConservativeGranny #16402

    Don’t feel sorry for him one bit. Could have predicted he’d have buyer’s remorse.

    I always wondered where Trump was getting his conservative talking points. It was almost like someone in the know was telling him what to say. My guess was it was Sessions coaching Trump. I never could understand why he wouldn’t just endorse Cruz instead of someone he had to make over and hand hold. Now that Trump doesn’t need Sessions anymore he will throw him under the bus. It is obvious he no longer listens to him.

    Consistent #16404

    EVERYDAY #16409

    These supposedly smart conservatives had dollar signs in their eyes when they accepted positions in the Trump administration. They had to get on board the Trump train to enhance their resumes or to feel important. A not so bright woman like me could tell from the start that anyone who chose to work for or with this president would eventually regret their decision. Trump doesn’t listen to good advice and when things go wrong or he’s tired of you, he will throw you under the bus.

    slhancock1948 #16410

    You are so right, Grannie! Trump uses people and tosses them aside like trash. My expectations are dwindling quickly…not that they were very high to begin with.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

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