BREAKING. Mike Pence Issues Statement Condemning Donald Trump’s Behavior

Source: RedState | October 8, 2016 | streiff

Nearly a day after the audio broke of Donald Trump being quintessentially Donald Trump, his running mate, Mike Pence has finally regained sufficient composure to issue a statement:

statement by Mike Pence on Donald Trump's douchebaggery


The fact that it took Pence nearly a day to issue a statement and the statement itself is one step shy of Mike Lee calling on Trump to pull out of the race is a testament to two things. First, Pence, and by extension the RNC, actually didn’t see this coming. Hard as it is to believe, despite what we knew about Trump’s grotesque personality and behavior from his past and his conduct during the race, these people seem to have been able to pretend Donald Trump was not Donald Trump. The second thing is that the RNC has officially thrown in the towel on the presidential campaign. Their mission at this point is to avoid a Battle of the Somme level of blood letting in November 8.

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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #10539

    Consistent #10540

    ConservativeGranny #10569

    I would not be surprised if Pence knew this was the plan all along. It would explain his stupid decision to take the ride with Trump. Now he will get the nomination handed to him on a silver platter without ever having to participate in one presidential debate, tromp around the country campaigning and raising money etc.

    Are repubs going to accept this? This is the GOP elite choosing their candidate. Repubs did not vote for Pence in the primaries. Shouldn’t the logical choice be Cruz?

    Consistent #10652

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