Broadcasters urged to stop carrying Russian programming

Source: The Hill | March 1, 2022 | Caroline Vakil

The National Association of Broadcasters issued a statement on Tuesday calling on broadcasters to stop carrying Russian-sponsored programming that is affiliated with the Russian government “or its agents.”

“The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) is a fierce defender of the First Amendment and the critical importance of the ability to freely express views, both popular and unpopular. While the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, however, it does not prevent private actors from exercising sound, moral judgment,” the association said in a statement.

“To that end, given the unprovoked aggression exhibited by Russia against the free and sovereign people of Ukraine, NAB calls on broadcasters to cease carrying any state-sponsored programming with ties to the Russian government or its agents,” the NAB continued. “While we know that airings of such programs are extremely limited, we believe that our nation must stand fully united against misinformation and for freedom and democracy across the globe.”


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  • Consistent #52288

    Consistent #52302

    Consistent #52303

    Consistent #52316

    EVERYDAY #52320

    I believe my local cable company still offers RT, but I would have to buy some super deluxe package to view it. I cut my subscription to the bare minimum — mostly local channels. Much of tv is the proverbial wasteland, so why would I spend extra to get it? By the way, I gave up American talking heads networks too. Don’t need all that hot air from pseudo-journalists and their idiot pundits.

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