Cheney defends Fauci: 'We need his expertise' to defeat coronavirus

Source: The Hill | May 12, 2020 | Marty Johnson

Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), the No. 3 Republican in the House, defended White House coronavirus task force member Anthony Fauci on Tuesday and praised him for the job that he’s done during the pandemic.

“Dr. Fauci is one of the finest public servants we have ever had. He is not a partisan,” the House Republican Conference chair tweeted. “His only interest is saving lives. We need his expertise and his judgment to defeat this virus. All Americans should be thanking him. Every day.”


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #38936

    EVERYDAY #38938

    Meanwhile, Trump fans have put out all sorts of conspiracy theories about Dr. Fauci — that he is an agent of the Chinese or an agent of Hillary Clinton or ??? This man has served under numerous presidential administrations — Republican and Democrat — and as far as I can tell, his opinions and advice have not been influenced by politics. My only disagreement with him is that he seems to want us to stay locked in our homes indefinitely and that is just not going to work now that summer is approaching. We have to carefully, gradually get back to some normalcy, not just for Trump’s precious economy, but for our own well being.

    However, I do believe Dr. Fauci has unfairly endured a boatload of horse manure and that his advice has been wrongly disrespected and ignored by our “stable genius” president at his and our peril.

    Consistent #38940

    The reason, I think, Dr. Fauci is trying to tell us that we are not ready to open up safely is that we do not have enough testings, contact tracing and isolation in place. They set up the guidelines, the conditions for opening up safely, but governors ignore the guidelines. The case numbers are rising in some states, but they will let people go out and mingle again. What could be wrong?

    EVERYDAY #38978

    The governors who want to abandon all caution are the ones who worship their hero Trump. Trump ignores the advice of experts and lies about the availability of tests, contact tracing, equipment and supplies because his number one priority is getting re-elected. He wants business to return to normal ASAP and he doesn’t care how it’s done. Initially, he wanted to be lord and master in the coronavirus response, but when he found out he legally could not order the states to do his bidding, he just abandoned all responsibility. Trump put his dopey son-in-law in charge of a coronavirus response panel that, as far as I can tell, hasn’t done anything except lie about its supposed accomplishments. In Trumpyland the illusion of doing something is ,more important than actually doing anything.

    Most governors have been left to their own devices with no real guidance or leadership from the White House. So they are flying blind, trying to do the right thing with no federal leadership, assistance or the necessary equipment and supplies. Trump could have worked with the governors, but he would rather take to Twitter to bash his enemies or go out campaigning. He’s going to be in Pennsylvania today and you can be sure he won’t be wearing a mask or practicing social distancing.

    If we see a resurgence of COVID19, the blame can be placed on irresponsible, Trump worshiping governors., But it can also be laid at the feet of a heartless, irresponsible president who doesn’t care how many people die so long as he gets another four years of loafing at the White House.

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