Conway on Cruz SCOTUS Rumor

Source: RedState | November 16, 2016 | Dan Spencer

Kellyanne Conway, the presidential campaign manager for President-elect Donald Trump, says Trump  is “committed” to only nominating a Supreme Court justice from his previously disclosed list of potential nominees. That effectively shoots down the speculation we reported this morning that Trump might nominate Cruz for the Supreme Court.

“You’ve seen the list of 21. The list has not changed,” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told reporters Wednesday. “President-elect Trump has committed to choosing his Supreme Court justices, particularly the vacancy created by the untimely death of Justice Scalia. He’s committed to choosing from that list of 21.”

As Politico reminds us,Trump released a list of 11 potential nominees in May. He expanded his potential selection pool in September with 10 additional names.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #11503

    EVERYDAY #11504

    “Trump is ‘committed’ to only nominating a Supreme Court justice from his previously disclosed list of potential nominees. ”

    Are you sure about that Miz Conway? Seems to me I heard Trump say during the campaign that the list was not definitive and he could choose someone else. Trump has had more waffles than the House of Pancakes. I trust Trump about as far as I can throw him.

    I think Ted Cruz is better off staying in the Senate.if only to annoy MConnell and the rest of the corrupt, lazy slobs.

    Consistent #11509

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