Conway won't rule out Trump trying to block Comey's testimony

Source: Politico | June 2, 2017 | Louis Nelson

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway predicted that former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before the Senate next week will be a “clarifying moment” as President Donald Trump tries to push through the controversy related to the FBI’s investigation into possible collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials.

Conway, appearing on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” also left open the possibility that Trump might block Comey from testifying by invoking executive privilege.

The president shocked the political world last month with his abrupt firing of Comey, a decision he later said he made with the bureau’s ongoing investigation in mind. In the subsequent days and weeks, multiple media outlets reported that Comey had kept detailed, contemporaneous memos of his meetings with Trump, some of which allegedly included efforts by the president to get the FBI director to cease investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Aside from a brief farewell letter to colleagues at the FBI, Comey has yet to make a public statement since his firing. His memos detailing his interactions with Trump, as well as reports of his general thoughts and feelings toward the president, have largely been relayed by friends and associates to media outlets.


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