Cruz's RNC speech might call for unity, but not in the way you think

Source: Conservative Review | July 20, 2016 | Robert Eno

On the precipice of his GOP convention speech tonight, Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97%) finds himself between a rock and a hard place. There are two strains of Cruz supporters here in Cleveland, those who have made their peace with Donald Trump and those who are #NeverTrump until the end. Mainstream media will try and define Cruz’s speech as choosing between one of these two camps in an effort to drive a wedge between Cruz and his supporters. But this is a false choice.

Many have placed high expectations on his speech as it’s already being viewed through the historical lens of Ronald Reagan’s 1976 convention speech. In that speech Reagan outlined foundational principles that left many in the room wondering if he should be the nominee, not Ford.

….. Jeff Roe, Cruz’s campaign manager was coy about whether or not an endorsement was in the cards. He did, however, say that Cruz’s speech “will be ‘unifying, forward-looking and optimistic,” according to a Tweet from Alana Rocha of the Texas Tribune.

Cruz can do this by focusing on the issues that Trump supporters and constitutional conservatives agree on, such as religious freedom, addressing judicial overreach, and securing our borders. So far this convention has lacked any substance that focuses on core conservative principles or the constitution. As with any Republican convention, they contain speeches focused on the Democrat nominee and building up the GOP nominee, but so far the 2016 convention is overly focused on personalities instead of policy and lacking any guiding vision or specifics to give Americans hope aside from slogans.

If Cruz focuses on these core principles that help set him apart from the Washington Cartel he can hit a homerun tonight.

In a preview of his remarks, Cruz spoke to his delegates at an event in Cleveland this afternoon.  According to Patrick Stivek, Cruz said of his presidential primary campaign, “this campaign, I believe, was about a lot more than one campaign or one candidate. This was a movement all across this country.”  Cruz continued, “I want to see unity and the way to see unity is to unite behind shared principles.”


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