Dem senator: 'Not a good practice' for anonymous misconduct allegation to halt Kavanaugh nomination

Source: The Hill | September 16, 2018 | Brett Samuels

Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) said Sunday that he expects Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination to move forward, despite a recently disclosed anonymous accusation of sexual misconduct against the nominee.

“At this point it’s an anonymous letter you’re not going to be able to really test it unless somebody comes forward,” Jones said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Breaking with some other Democratic senators, Jones said he believes the nomination should move forward at this point despite the revelation of the letter.

“I think an anonymous letter, to derail something at this late date is not a good practice,” he said.

“I wish someone had talked about it early on,” Jones added. “I think at this late date we’re going to have to wait and see if this person comes forward.”



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