Erick Erickson: Remember, It is God’s Will

Source: The Resurgent | November 8, 2016 | Erick Erickson


For months on end, certain Christians have told us that Trump was God’s instrument. God, they have told us, has used bad men through history to advance the church. They told us to vote for Trump because it was God’s will.

Well, God’s will is being done. Christians in America who have made an idol of the country and an idol of Trump need to repent. Christians in America need to re-embrace their faith in God above their faith in government. If this is what it takes for Christians in America to trust in Jesus instead of government, it will ultimately be a good thing. Too many Christians have thought that by their own actions they could fix this country. They cannot. They must rely on the strongest man, the one who conquered death, not a strong man promising to make great again what God will one day make new.

Scripture commands us to pray for our leaders. After today, that will most likely include Hillary Clinton. It is unfortunate for us and for our country. But I never lied to you. I told you this would happen and you chose not to believe it. Now you will go through a period of rationalization and blame. But in the end you know it is true. Donald Trump was the worst and weakest candidate with the most baggage and his supporters, a minority of the GOP, only were able to get him the nomination because of a crowded field and uncritical, overwhelming media attention.

The Hillary Clinton donor has lost to Hillary Clinton. Can’t beat the real thing.

And you will note please that I am writing this post in July. It is that staggeringly obvious even now that on election day Trump is going to lose because he is undisciplined, has too many skeletons in the closet that will be trotted out over the next few months, and most Americans simply find him abhorrent. If, by November, things have changed, I will gladly be wrong and this post will serve as a testament to how wrong I was. But I suspect they will not. There never was a different, more disciplined Donald Trump. He is as he was.

Choose better in four years.


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