Four Obama regulations Trump can undo right away

Source: Washington Examiner | December 20, 2016 | Bonner Cohen

President-elect Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp” in Washington struck a chord with millions of Americans and helped propel him to his stunning election as the nation’s 45th president.

Trump can start by reversing many of the laws the Obama administration created on its own, in its serial abuse of executive authority. Unable to get Congress to enact his environmental and energy policies, Obama had federal agencies concoct regulations that accomplished the same thing and he bound the U.S. to self-inflicted wounds via an international climate agreement.

Trump has pledged to tackle these abuses, and Obama’s unilateral actions are vulnerable to Trump’s own administrative counter-measures. It’s a game two can play. Here’s where Trump can start:

Clean Power Plan:….

Paris Climate Change Agreement:…….


Waters of the United States:….


Environmental Protection Agency:…..

Congress didn’t create EPA — President Nixon brought it into being by a 1970 executive order. Trump can dismantle it with his own executive order.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #12328

    EVERYDAY #12329

    The question though is, will he want to? He has said a lot of things on the campaign trail, but now that he is about to be anointed, he is backing away. On top of that, there are those “promises” he really didn’t make at all. They are assumptions made by his followers who have fantasies about what Trump is and what he will be and do as president. Eventually, Trump will disappoint them.

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