Fox News host defends Trump Jr.: I'd meet with the Devil for opposition research

Source: The Hill | July 16, 2017 | Brandon Carter

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro defended Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 election who promised him damaging information on then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, saying she would have done the same thing.

“As someone who’s run for office five times, if the Devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent, I’d be on the first trolley to Hell to get it,” Pirro said Sunday on “Justice with Judge Jeanine.”

“And any politician who tells you otherwise is a bald-faced liar.”

The Fox News host also defended Trump Jr. against accusations that he had broken a law by setting up the meeting.

“There is no law that says a campaign cannot accept information from a foreign government,” Pirro said.

The Federal Election Campaign Act makes it illegal for any foreign national to contribute, donate, or spend funds on any election in the United States by any foreign national. That includes foreign governments, political parties, corporations and individuals with foreign citizenship.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #17415

    EVERYDAY #17417

    Of course, Pirro thinks this is all ok. She’s a Trump disciple. It’s too bad. She used to be the one Fox host I could rely on to be straightforward and honest. I don’t know why she turned into a Trump puppet. Looking for a judgeship?

    Consistent #17419

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