General Mattis Is an Outstanding Choice for Secretary of Defense

Source: National Review | December 1, 2016 | David Frence

Donald Trump has picked an honorable, thoughtful, and courageous warrior to lead the Pentagon. He knows how to lead men in battle. He’s an outstanding strategic thinker, and he’s unencumbered by politically correct nonsense. Trump’s cabinet is shaping up very well indeed, but this choice is his best and most crucial personnel decision yet.


He is clear about the Iranian threat, has worked closely with Israel, and has served as the supreme allied commander of transformation for NATO and the chief of Central Command. In other words, few men have been as closely involved in American military planning and war fighting as Mattis.

His speeches and statements are legendary. He fights hard, and he fights honorably. I can get behind a man who says this:

Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.


There are good reasons why the Military Times called Mattis the “most revered Marine general in at least a generation.” Trump has made an excellent choice.

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