George HW Bush apologizes to women offended by touching

Source: The Hill | October 25, 2017 | Jacqueline Thomsen

Former President George H.W. Bush’s office released a statement Wednesday apologizing for Bush having “patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner.”

“At age 93, President Bush has been confined to a wheelchair for roughly five years, so his arm falls on the lower waist of people with whom he takes pictures,” the statement read.

“To try to put people at ease, the president routinely tells the same joke — and on occasion, he has patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner. Some have seen it as innocent; others clearly view it as inappropriate,” the statement from Bush spokesman Jim McGrath continued.

“To anyone he has offended, President Bush apologizes most sincerely,” he said.

The clarification comes just hours after Bush first apologized following actress Heather Lind accusing him of sexually assaulting her during a photo op four years ago.


“President Bush would never — under any circumstance — intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind,” he said.

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  • Consistent #19520

    Consistent #19521

    Consistent #19526

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    Consistent #19528

    Consistent #19529

    EVERYDAY #19531

    This whole Me-Too campaign is getting out of hand. Really? A possibly off-color joke and a pat on the rear, which may have been accidental. These women need to lighten up. They really make it tough for women who really are victims of sexual harassment and rape. Real victims won’t be taken seriously thanks to these delicate snowflakes,

    And notice that President Bush has class to apologize even if he likely did no wrong. When is Trump going to apologize for the things he has said and done regarding women? Oh, that’s right. Trump’s a tough guy and tough guys don’t apologize.

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